Lawn Maintenance
Our services include:

Mow and Trim
We offer 12 month agreements to maintain your yard year round. Our crew will be on site weekly through the growing season, April – October. Twice per month for leaf removal in November and December. One visit in January and February to keep up with winter weeds and tree debris that drops in winter storms. Twice in March for Spring Clean-up and mowing.
Our professional landscapers always use their education and experience to make the most ideal mowing decisions for your yard. They are able to make the best choices about the height at which to cut, if the grass is stressed from heat or rain and should not be cut for a week. In areas we cannot reach with a lawnmower, we will string trim the turf to the height of adjacent turf. Prior to mowing, the turf areas will be policed for trash, tree limbs or obstructions. Turf will be completely and evenly mowed at a height most suitable for the species and the site’s specific needs.
Here at Kirby’s Landscaping we practice “grass-cycling”. To help to our environment it is better to return clippings to the turf for nutritional replenishment, therefore we do not bag grass clipping. Unsightly clumps will be blown out or raked up and disposed of properly.

We will edge concrete borders such as walkways, curbs and driveways each mowing during the growing season with a mechanical steel blade edger. Bed lines that have been established by a vertical trench method will be edged each visit during the growing season. We will edge as needed during the winter months.
Weed Removal:
Shrub beds, natural areas with mulch and ground cover areas will be weeded on every visit during the year. We use Round-Up herbicide with your approval on any weed that we can safely apply without injury to ornamental plants. We hand-pull weeds within the canopy of shrubs or ground covers. We use selective herbicides for persistent perennial weeds and grass control as needed. Your bed areas should remain 95% weed free. There will always be some weeds present in a fertile growing environment, but our intention is to always minimize weed presence with no injury to shrubs, ground covers, or trees.
Leaf Removal
We utilize mulching type lawn mowers to process leaves and pine straw from trees on your site. Fall leaves will be blown into natural areas on your property for composting. If there are too many leaves to be blown into natural areas or no natural areas on your property leaves will be collected by our leaf vacuum truck and hauled away.

yard clean up
Sometimes life gets busy and the yard gets ahead of you. If you need some help getting caught up, give us a call. We offer seasonal yard clean up for leaf removal, cleaning up the beds and mulching or even just picking up sticks and mowing. No contract needed, hourly rate of $50/man hour applies. Give us a call if we can help you get your yard back in shape.