Our services include:
We schedule A&S in the late summer/early fall season. After completion of aerating you will see the plugs of soil left behind. These will dissolve back into the turf with watering/rain fall and over time. They are important to be left on the soil to continue to replenish nutrients and soil contact for new seed. Industry standard is to NOT cut over the new seed, have mowers or heavy equipment on the lawn for up to 3 weeks after completion.
Please also try to keep pets off the newly seeded areas as well as much as possible to allow for undisturbed growth and root establishment.
The complete seed germination process can take up to 21-30 days, which is why Kirby’s protocol is to wait 3 weeks before cutting the grass. Please continue watering lightly throughout that time (only 3 to 5 mins per zone is recommended to keep seed moist), make necessary adjustments to time for zones due to rain fall or lack of rain fall. Resume normal irrigating after seedlings are well established (approximately 5 to 6 weeks to establish a self-sufficient root system.)

Weed Control
During the dormant period of your lawn, January - March, we will apply a pre-emergent and post- emergent herbicide mix to control winter annual broadleaf weeds and to prevent germination of summer annual grasses such as crabgrass. Pesticides are applied at recommended rates according to our product representatives.
The first season we apply a herbicide to your lawn, you will not have a completely weed free lawn, but you will notice a significant decrease in weed competition in your lawn. It will be a combination of the entire landscape management program and time that will truly improve the look of your turfgrass.

Mowing frequency, mowing height, fertilization and irrigation affect weed control. Managing these separate practices is called the process of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM is protocol for Kirby’s Landscaping, Inc. to minimize the amount of pesticides used in your landscape. IPM says we will adhere to sound horticultural maintenance practices to keep your lawns healthy and growing. We will monitor your lawn for problems or changes in its appearance. If a problem is detected, we will first identify the pest.
This may include submitting samples to our extension service for proper identification. We will then treat affected areas with the proper pesticides at label rates. We do not schedule applications of insecticides or fungicides to ‘prevent’ pests. Research indicates that this method of turf grass management is wasteful and not a part of IPM. Consult your Crew Leader if you have questions about pest problems in your lawn.

Kirby's Landscaping will take a soil sample if we determine a need to identify a pest or other growth issues. Soil samples are billable at $65/sample. Customers may also receive a soil sample upon request.

3 Applications: A fungicide application is a specific type of naturally based microbial product that we use to control fungal diseases. Fungicides are not curatives but rather are preventatives and this program begins in May and continues through July or August, working to prevent fungal disease in your turf.

3 Applications: This warm season perennial is a desirable turf in deep southern states but is a weedy and invasion species in our region. To suppress further growth, we apply a product that interrupts the plants ability to photosynthesis. 3 applications are needed to adequately suppress the growth of this species.

Compost blend broadcast over existing lawn at ¼ - ½ inch depth, application to the turf will improve the quality of the turf soil. Contracted estimate is for a 1 time installation to improve soil quality, recommended in the Fall, just after Aerating & Seeding.
The top-dressing material, a compost blend, is guaranteed at the time of application to be in its best condition, dry and free of weed seeds. Upon installation of the top dressing onto the turf, compost condition is no longer warrantied as it is now subject to environmental changes. Kirby’s Landscaping encourages the application of compost for the beneficial health of the turf, however there are other environmental factors that may also affect turf health and seed germination.
Kirby’s Landscaping will do everything we can to ensure that proper distribution during application and cleanup of compost occurs while we are on the property. Washing and erosion of Top Dressing material (compost blend) has been exposed to weather conditions beyond our control and is not the responsibility of Kirby’s Landscaping. Application of additional Top Dressing to replace eroded or washed areas is billable time and materials in addition to the original estimate and will be invoiced. Initial installation payments must be current before Kirby’s Landscaping will apply more top-dressing.